Frequently Asked Questions

General Questions

+ Do you accept walk- ins?

Yes, we accept walk-ins. There is a chance all the artists are busy and we won't be able to tattoo you that second or that day but we are more then happy to find you spot that works for both of us

+ How old do I have to be to get a tattoo?

We wonʼt tattoo anyone under the age 18. In addition, we reserve the right to refuse anyone service. Highly visible areas of the body, also known as “job-stoppers” will be done on a case-by-case basis.

We have seen the pain and frustration caused by these tattoos too many times to want to contribute. If we tell you “No”, please understand that it comes from decades of experience and a genuine desire for your long-term happiness. We donʼt hate you or your money and you have many years to grow and change ahead of you.

+ how much does it cost?

Our current hourly rate is $195 an hour and our minimum price is $150, with a $20 materials charge per tattoo (2022 rate).

The reason we have a minimum is because we take the same health precautions setting up for a single dot as we do for a whole back piece. Rates very between artists in our shop so feel free to contact our shop for more details.

+ How do I prepare for my tattoo?

Do your homework. Pick the right artist, the right tattoo and the right time in your life (for example: donʼt get tattooed the week before you go to a resort with a hot tub.) Happy, healthy people heal better. Getting tattooed when you are sick, post or pre-surgery, or exceptionally stressed out is not ideal. Furthermore, people with compromised immune systems (e.g. diabetes, Hepatitis, HIV) typically take longer to heal.

+ Does it hurt?

Yes. No. Maybe. Pain varies from person to person and from day to day. Most people compare getting a tattoo to the discomfort of scratching a sunburn. The location of your tattoo will also contribute to the pain level you will experience. If your concerned, have a conversation with your tattoo artist, they are more than willing to discuss the pain expected for your tattoo and wonʼt think less of you for asking.

+ Can I use numbing cream or pain killers?

Numbing creams can cause the skin to become a little puffy in some customers. This means that the tattooist needs to work harder to get the ink into the skin, which can cause additional trauma. This will obviously have some repercussions during the healing process and can create an undesirable amount of scabbing during that time. If you feel you may need to use numbing cream have a conversation with your artist.

Some tablet pain killers can also cause a problem. Aspirin is the biggest problem as it thins the blood and reduces clotting, this will cause excessive bleeding during your tattoo, which will affect the quality of the finished tattoo. Aspirin will also extend the healing time that your tattoo needs so it is best avoided. Tylenol type pain killers will have little effect (positive or negative), other than a placebo. Ibuprofen based painkillers (Advil) can give minor pain relief during the process, by reducing localised swelling, and will not hinder the tattoo in any way.

+ will my tattoo fade overtime?

Depending on your level of activity outside and the location of the tattoo it may fade do to the fact that the sun is your tattoos biggest enemy. Lighter and softer colors tend to go first and black is usually the one that is with you for life. It never hurts to get those bright colors put back and give your old tattoo some new life.

+ can you fix my current tattoo?

We definitely have to see what you have before to can truly answer this question. The best thing to do is send us a clear photo or even better come on in and have a quick chat about whatʼs possible.

+ do you do cover-ups of older tattoos?

We like to think of them as a camouflage-up into a new idea rather the just a cover of a bad one. We will work with you on old tattoos although we must have a consultation to talk about what’s possible as far as what you would like to see and what will realistically get rid of the tattoo underneath. Being open to new ideas is highly recommended

+ How long will it take?

This depends on the tattoo. A small, simple tattoo could take 15 minutes while a large complex tattoo might take multiple sessions. Your tattoo artist will be able to give you a better estimate of the time required to complete the piece.

Know Before You Go

+ Should I avoid anything the day of or the day before my tattoo?

Yes, don’t drink excess amounts of alcohol or highly caffeinated beverages before your appointment. Both can thin your blood and make the tattoo session and recovery difficult. Itʼs best to drink lots of water, bring water with you and consume a healthy well rounded diet prior to your appointment. Make sure you eat a nice filling meal before your appointment! Also make sure to get a good night sleep, a healthy body will heal faster and ensure the appointment goes smoothly.

+ Do you tip your tattoo artist?

Tattooing is a service, an incredibly intimate one in fact. Although tips are not required they are highly recommended. The time your artist invested in your tattoo is not just the time spent when you were in the chair, especially if the piece is complex and the artist has provided drafts and any changes. All that time preparing for the tattoo is not explicitly billed, to you, the client. Please take all that into consideration when tipping your artist. Industry standard is usually between 10% – 25% of the total bill.

+ What do I bring with me?

You must have government photo ID. This can be a drivers license, passport, gun license. We MUST write down the number on these as standard of tattoo shop regulations.

It's nothing to do with trusting you are of age, rather, we as a shop, might have to prove it later

Eat a filling meal before you head to your appointment. Itʼs a good idea to bring some water and healthy snack with you, especially if youʼll be in the chair for a while. Even in the summer itʼs a good idea to bring a sweatshirt or something warm to wear because getting tattooed can sometimes make you feel cold.

Bring any reference material during the consultation for your tattoo and don't forget your id and wallet!

+ where do I park?

We have a large parking lot in front of the shop; one less thing for you to worry about on the day of your appointment!

+ what if I need to stop halfway through?

Taking breaks are totally acceptable but most people find the tattoos start hurting more with frequent stops

+ Anything else I need to do to prepare for my tattoo?

It might seem to go without saying, but please make sure you shower or bathe beforehand. Unless youʼre getting an underarm tattoo, please also wear deodorant. You should consider wearing clothes that it wonʼt matter if you get ink stains on them. The area to be tattooed, and usually a large space surrounding it, will need to be shaved to prepare your skin for the tattoo. Some clients prefer to shave the area themselves beforehand (please do not cut yourself as we will not be able to tattoo then) and are welcome to do so, so long as they know that if for any reason the artist is unhappy with the clientʼs shaving job, theyʼll do it again themselves. Tattoo artists are used to shaving people for tattoo preparation so you donʼt worry about being shy or embarrassed, theyʼve seen it all.


+ i got a hypafix bandage, when can i take it off?

Day 1

Keep the bandage on for 8-24 hrs depending on how much your skin is weeping. If you notice redness around the outer edges of the bandage, remove immediately. It may signal that your skin is sensitive to adhesives. Read 2nd Day for removal instructions.

Day 2

To remove, take a warm shower and allow the bandage to soak until the end. Carefully peel from one edge of the bandage back onto itself; do not peel it up and away from the rest of the bandage. Remove very slowly and patiently.

*coconut oil or olive oil can help remove if it is extremely difficult to remove.

+ i got a regular bandage, when can i take it off?

Remove the bandage once your home and have read the following:

  • Once removed, wash your tattoo. Lather up your choice of unscented soap (like Dove) and gently pat on the suds thoroughly.
  • Rinse with lukewarm/cool water.
  • Gently pat dry with a new sheet of paper towel.
  • Use an unscented lotion only if it feels dry and tight. If it feels normal, lotion is not needed.
  • Wear clothing that allows your tattooed skin to breathe.
  • Sleep at a reasonable time.

+ what is the 3rd day care once your bandage is removed? (Same care for hypafix and regular bandage)

Repeat the following washing routine on the 3rd day:

  • Lather up your choice of unscented soap (like Dove) and gently pat on the suds thoroughly.
  • Rinse with lukewarm/cool water, It can be in the shower or over a sink; no direct jet spray.
  • Gently pat dry with a new sheet of paper towel.
  • Use an unscented lotion only if it feels dry and tight. If it feels normal, lotion is not needed.
  • Wear clothing that allows your tattooed skin to breathe.
  • Wear clean loose clothing that does not irritate the skin. The more your skin is allowed to breathe, the better.
  • Repeat the washing routine before sleeping.

By the 3rd day you may feel a dry scabbing film encase over your tattoo. You may start applying a thin layer of your choice of unscented lotion.

note: If you have never used this lotion before, please test it on a small area of skin. Wait an hour and if there is no reaction, you may apply it.

+ 3+ days onward care?

Repeat the same washing routine morning and evening:

  • Lather up your choice of unscented soap (like Dove) and gently pat on the suds thoroughly.
  • Rinse with lukewarm/cool water, It can be in the shower or over a sink; no direct jet spray.
  • Gently pat dry with a new sheet of paper towel.
  • Use an unscented lotion only if it feels dry and tight. If it feels normal, lotion is not needed.
  • Wear clothing that allows your tattooed skin to breathe.
  • Wear clean loose clothing that does not irritate the skin. The more your skin is allowed to breathe, the better.

Apply a thin layer of your unscented lotion when you feel it necessary. Always with clean hands.

Itchiness, flaking and peeling are normal and all part of the healing process.

You will instinctively know when your tattoo is healed. It becomes a part of your skin.

+ any bonus care tips?

Good rest, low stress and a positive attitude really does wonders for your healing.

You can give your system a boost by taking a good quality vitamin C supplement.

For larger tattoos, taking a mini vacation to rest during the first 3 days is always nice to give your skin a head start.

Tattoos hate the sun. Cover up or apply SPF60 frequently once fully healed.

+ big No Nos with the healing process?

Do not excessively touch your tattoo outside of the cleaning routine. This also applies to others touching your tattoo while it is healing.

Avoid communal areas such as swimming pools, gyms, saunas, tanning salons etc. Your chances of an infection will greatly lessen.

Minimal sun exposure is best. Excessive sun is never good for your skin; tattooed or not.

Do not apply SPF during the healing process.

Do not pick, scratch, slap or peel the scabbing/flaky skin. Allow it to heal without interference.

+ How long will the healing take?

The tattoo will take approximately a week to be superficially healed, the skin will be intact again. If the tattoo requires touch ups please allow 4-6 weeks to ensure the skin has fully healed. However, everybody heals differently and this could be longer or shorter before your tattoo is fully healed.

It will be itchy while it heals; resist scratching at it as it can take off scabs and reopen the skin prolonging healing. Any questions, please contact us!


A deposit/retainer is required in order to book an appointment.

"A 'deposit'– which is a reservation fee are non refundable

We require 72 business/shop hours to cancel or reschedule your reservations, anything less than 72hrs the deposit will be forfeited and a new deposit will be required to book future reservations. After three reschedules regardless of the amount of time given, we will require another deposit.

We require 72 business/shop hours to change your tattoo design. Any changes to the Design may result in loss of deposit because the concept has to be redrawn and that takes time.

Complete changes to the Design discussed at the consultation may result in loss of deposit/retainer because it is a new tattoo that must be drawn up again.

Rebooking reservations 3 time will result loss of deposit as it takes time and effort when arranging our schedules.

Reservations are are valid for 3 years from purchase

THE FOUNTAINHEAD TATTOO • 3815 99 Street NW • Edmonton, AB • T6E 6J1

Copyright © 2020 The Fountainhead Tattoo All Rights Reserved